class Asterisk::ARI::Channels

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Asterisk::ARI::Resources

ari : ARI ari

Constructor methods inherited from class Asterisk::ARI::Resources

new(ari) new

Instance Method Detail

def answer(channel_id : String) #

Answer a channel.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def continue_in_dialplan(channel_id : String, context : String? = nil, extension : String? = nil, priority : Int32? = nil, label : String? = nil) #

Exit application; continue execution in the dialplan.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • context - the context to continue to;
  • extension - the extension to continue to;
  • priority - the priority to continue to;
  • label - the label to continue to - will supersede 'priority' if both are provided;

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def create(endpoint : String, app : String, app_args : String? = nil, channel_id : String? = nil, other_channel_id : String? = nil, originator : String? = nil, formats : String? = nil) : HTTP::Client::Response | Channels::Channel #

Create channel.


  • endpoint - endpoint for channel communication. (required);
  • app - stasis Application to place channel into. (required);
  • app_args - the application arguments to pass to the Stasis application provided by 'app'. Mutually exclusive with 'context', 'extension', 'priority', and 'label';
  • channel_id - the unique id to assign the channel on creation;
  • other_channel_id - the unique id to assign the second channel when using local channels;
  • originator - unique ID of the calling channel;
  • formats - the format name capability list to use if originator is not specified. Ex. "ulaw,slin16". Format names can be found with "core show codecs";

Error responses:

  • 409 - Channel with given unique ID already exists.

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def dial(channel_id : String, caller : String? = nil, timeout : Int32? = 0) #

Dial a created channel.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • caller - channel ID of caller;
  • timeout - dial timeout;

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel cannot be found.
  • 409 - Channel cannot be dialed.

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def external_media(app : String, external_host : String, format : String, channel_id : String? = nil, variables : Hash(String, String | Bool | Int32 | Float32)? = nil, encapsulation : String? = "rtp", transport : String? = "udp", connection_type : String? = "client", direction : String? = "both") : HTTP::Client::Response | ExternalMedia #

Start an External Media session.


  • app - stasis Application to place channel into. (required);
  • external_host - hostname/ip:port of external host. (required);
  • format - format to encode audio in. (required);
  • channel_id - the unique id to assign the channel on creation;
  • variables - the "variables" key in the body object holds variable key/value pairs to set on the channel on creation. Other keys in the body object are interpreted as query parameters. Ex. { "endpoint": "SIP/Alice", "variables": { "CALLERID(name)": "Alice" } };
  • encapsulation - payload encapsulation protocol;
  • transport - transport protocol;
  • connection_type - connection type (client/server);
  • direction - external media direction;

Error responses:

  • 400 - Invalid parameters
  • 409 - Channel is not in a Stasis application; Channel is already bridged

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def get(channel_id : String) : HTTP::Client::Response | Channels::Channel #

Channel details.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found

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def get_channel_var(channel_id : String, variable : String) : HTTP::Client::Response | Asterisk::Variable #

Get the value of a channel variable or function.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • variable - the channel variable or function to get. (required);

Error responses:

  • 400 - Missing variable parameter.
  • 404 - Channel or variable not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application

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def hangup(channel_id : String, reason : String? = nil) #

Delete (i.e. hangup) a channel.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • reason - reason for hanging up the channel;

Error responses:

  • 400 - Invalid reason for hangup provided
  • 404 - Channel not found

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def hold(channel_id : String) #

Hold a channel.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def list : HTTP::Client::Response | Array(Channels::Channel) #

List all active channels in Asterisk.

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def move(channel_id : String, app : String, app_args : String? = nil) #

Move the channel from one Stasis application to another.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • app - the channel will be passed to this Stasis application. (required);
  • app_args - the application arguments to pass to the Stasis application provided by 'app';

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application

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def mute(channel_id : String, direction : String? = "both") #

Mute a channel.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • direction - direction in which to mute audio;

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def originate(endpoint : String, extension : String? = nil, context : String? = nil, priority : Int64? = nil, label : String? = nil, app : String? = nil, app_args : String? = nil, caller_id : String? = nil, timeout : Int32? = 30, variables : Hash(String, String | Bool | Int32 | Float32)? = nil, channel_id : String? = nil, other_channel_id : String? = nil, originator : String? = nil, formats : String? = nil) : HTTP::Client::Response | Channels::Channel #

Create a new channel (originate).


  • endpoint - endpoint to call. (required);
  • extension - the extension to dial after the endpoint answers. Mutually exclusive with 'app';
  • context - the context to dial after the endpoint answers. If omitted, uses 'default'. Mutually exclusive with 'app';
  • priority - the priority to dial after the endpoint answers. If omitted, uses 1. Mutually exclusive with 'app';
  • label - the label to dial after the endpoint answers. Will supersede 'priority' if provided. Mutually exclusive with 'app';
  • app - the application that is subscribed to the originated channel. When the channel is answered, it will be passed to this Stasis application. Mutually exclusive with 'context', 'extension', 'priority', and 'label';
  • app_args - the application arguments to pass to the Stasis application provided by 'app'. Mutually exclusive with 'context', 'extension', 'priority', and 'label';
  • caller_id - callerID to use when dialing the endpoint or extension;
  • timeout - timeout (in seconds) before giving up dialing, or -1 for no timeout;
  • variables - the "variables" key in the body object holds variable key/value pairs to set on the channel on creation. Other keys in the body object are interpreted as query parameters. Ex. { "endpoint": "SIP/Alice", "variables": { "CALLERID(name)": "Alice" } };
  • channel_id - the unique id to assign the channel on creation;
  • other_channel_id - the unique id to assign the second channel when using local channels;
  • originator - the unique id of the channel which is originating this one;
  • formats - the format name capability list to use if originator is not specified. Ex. "ulaw,slin16". Format names can be found with "core show codecs";

Error responses:

  • 400 - Invalid parameters for originating a channel.
  • 409 - Channel with given unique ID already exists.

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def originate_with_id(channel_id : String, endpoint : String, extension : String? = nil, context : String? = nil, priority : Int64? = nil, label : String? = nil, app : String? = nil, app_args : String? = nil, caller_id : String? = nil, timeout : Int32? = 30, variables : Hash(String, String | Bool | Int32 | Float32)? = nil, other_channel_id : String? = nil, originator : String? = nil, formats : String? = nil) : HTTP::Client::Response | Channels::Channel #

Create a new channel (originate with id).


  • channel_id - the unique id to assign the channel on creation. (required);
  • endpoint - endpoint to call. (required);
  • extension - the extension to dial after the endpoint answers. Mutually exclusive with 'app';
  • context - the context to dial after the endpoint answers. If omitted, uses 'default'. Mutually exclusive with 'app';
  • priority - the priority to dial after the endpoint answers. If omitted, uses 1. Mutually exclusive with 'app';
  • label - the label to dial after the endpoint answers. Will supersede 'priority' if provided. Mutually exclusive with 'app';
  • app - the application that is subscribed to the originated channel. When the channel is answered, it will be passed to this Stasis application. Mutually exclusive with 'context', 'extension', 'priority', and 'label';
  • app_args - the application arguments to pass to the Stasis application provided by 'app'. Mutually exclusive with 'context', 'extension', 'priority', and 'label';
  • caller_id - callerID to use when dialing the endpoint or extension;
  • timeout - timeout (in seconds) before giving up dialing, or -1 for no timeout;
  • variables - the "variables" key in the body object holds variable key/value pairs to set on the channel on creation. Other keys in the body object are interpreted as query parameters. Ex. { "endpoint": "SIP/Alice", "variables": { "CALLERID(name)": "Alice" } };
  • other_channel_id - the unique id to assign the second channel when using local channels;
  • originator - the unique id of the channel which is originating this one;
  • formats - the format name capability list to use if originator is not specified. Ex. "ulaw,slin16". Format names can be found with "core show codecs";

Error responses:

  • 400 - Invalid parameters for originating a channel.
  • 409 - Channel with given unique ID already exists.

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def play(channel_id : String, media : String, lang : String? = nil, offsetms : Int32? = nil, skipms : Int32? = 3000, playback_id : String? = nil) : HTTP::Client::Response | Playbacks::Playback #

Start playback of media.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • media - media URIs to play. (required). Allow multiple instances (comma-separated list);
  • lang - for sounds, selects language for sound;
  • offsetms - number of milliseconds to skip before playing. Only applies to the first URI if multiple media URIs are specified;
  • skipms - number of milliseconds to skip for forward/reverse operations;
  • playback_id - playback ID;

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def play_with_id(channel_id : String, playback_id : String, media : String, lang : String? = nil, offsetms : Int32? = nil, skipms : Int32? = 3000) : HTTP::Client::Response | Playbacks::Playback #

Start playback of media and specify the playbackId.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • playback_id - playback ID. (required);
  • media - media URIs to play. (required). Allow multiple instances (comma-separated list);
  • lang - for sounds, selects language for sound;
  • offsetms - number of milliseconds to skip before playing. Only applies to the first URI if multiple media URIs are specified;
  • skipms - number of milliseconds to skip for forward/reverse operations;

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def record(channel_id : String, name : String, format : String, max_duration_seconds : Int32? = 0, max_silence_seconds : Int32? = 0, if_exists : String? = "fail", beep : Bool? = false, terminate_on : String? = "none") : HTTP::Client::Response | Recordings::LiveRecording #

Start a recording.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • name - recording's filename. (required);
  • format - format to encode audio in. (required);
  • max_duration_seconds - maximum duration of the recording, in seconds. 0 for no limit;
  • max_silence_seconds - maximum duration of silence, in seconds. 0 for no limit;
  • if_exists - action to take if a recording with the same name already exists;
  • beep - play beep when recording begins;
  • terminate_on - dTMF input to terminate recording;

Error responses:

  • 400 - Invalid parameters
  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel is not in a Stasis application; the channel is currently bridged with other hcannels; A recording with the same name already exists on the system and can not be overwritten because it is in progress or ifExists=fail
  • 422 - The format specified is unknown on this system

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def redirect(channel_id : String, endpoint : String) #

Redirect the channel to a different location.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • endpoint - the endpoint to redirect the channel to. (required);

Error responses:

  • 400 - Endpoint parameter not provided
  • 404 - Channel or endpoint not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 422 - Endpoint is not the same type as the channel
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def ring(channel_id : String) #

Indicate ringing to a channel.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def ring_stop(channel_id : String) #

Stop ringing indication on a channel if locally generated.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def rtpstatistics(channel_id : String) : HTTP::Client::Response | RTPstat #

RTP stats on a channel.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel cannot be found.

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def send_dtmf(channel_id : String, dtmf : String? = nil, before : Int32? = 0, between : Int32? = 100, duration : Int32? = 100, after : Int32? = 0) #

Send provided DTMF to a given channel.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • dtmf - dTMF To send;
  • before - amount of time to wait before DTMF digits (specified in milliseconds) start;
  • between - amount of time in between DTMF digits (specified in milliseconds);
  • duration - length of each DTMF digit (specified in milliseconds);
  • after - amount of time to wait after DTMF digits (specified in milliseconds) end;

Error responses:

  • 400 - DTMF is required
  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def set_channel_var(channel_id : String, variable : String, value : String? = nil) #

Set the value of a channel variable or function.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • variable - the channel variable or function to set. (required);
  • value - the value to set the variable to;

Error responses:

  • 400 - Missing variable parameter.
  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application

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def snoop_channel(channel_id : String, app : String, spy : String? = "none", whisper : String? = "none", app_args : String? = nil, snoop_id : String? = nil) : HTTP::Client::Response | Channels::Channel #

Start snooping.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • app - application the snooping channel is placed into. (required);
  • spy - direction of audio to spy on;
  • whisper - direction of audio to whisper into;
  • app_args - the application arguments to pass to the Stasis application;
  • snoop_id - unique ID to assign to snooping channel;

Error responses:

  • 400 - Invalid parameters
  • 404 - Channel not found

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def snoop_channel_with_id(channel_id : String, snoop_id : String, app : String, spy : String? = "none", whisper : String? = "none", app_args : String? = nil) : HTTP::Client::Response | Channels::Channel #

Start snooping.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • snoop_id - unique ID to assign to snooping channel. (required);
  • app - application the snooping channel is placed into. (required);
  • spy - direction of audio to spy on;
  • whisper - direction of audio to whisper into;
  • app_args - the application arguments to pass to the Stasis application;

Error responses:

  • 400 - Invalid parameters
  • 404 - Channel not found

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def start_moh(channel_id : String, moh_class : String? = nil) #

Play music on hold to a channel.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • moh_class - music on hold class to use;

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def start_silence(channel_id : String) #

Play silence to a channel.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def stop_moh(channel_id : String) #

Stop playing music on hold to a channel.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def stop_silence(channel_id : String) #

Stop playing silence to a channel.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def unhold(channel_id : String) #

Remove a channel from hold.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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def unmute(channel_id : String, direction : String? = "both") #

Unmute a channel.


  • channel_id - channel's id. (required);
  • direction - direction in which to unmute audio;

Error responses:

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state

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