class Asterisk::AsyncAGI

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Asterisk::AGI

asterisk_env : Hash(String, String) asterisk_env, logger : Logger logger, parameters_delimiter : String parameters_delimiter, response : Asterisk::AGI::Response response

Constructor methods inherited from class Asterisk::AGI

new(input = STDIN, output = STDOUT, logger : Logger = Asterisk.logger) new

Instance methods inherited from module Asterisk::AGI::Commands

answer answer, asyncagi_break asyncagi_break, channel_status(channelname : String? = nil) channel_status, control_stream_file(filename : String, escape_digits : String, skipms : String? = nil, ffchar : String? = nil, rewchr : String? = nil, pausechr : String? = nil, offsetms : String? = nil) control_stream_file, database_del(family : String, key : String) database_del, database_deltree(family : String, keytree : String? = nil) database_deltree, database_get(family : String, key : String) database_get, database_put(family : String, key : String, value : String) database_put, exec(application : String, **options)
exec(application : String, options : Hash(String, String | Int64 | Float64))
exec(application : String, options : Array(String | Int64 | Float64))
exec(application : String, options : String)
, get_data(file : String, timeout : String? = nil, maxdigits : String? = nil) get_data, get_full_variable(variablename : String, channel_name : String? = nil) get_full_variable, get_option(filename : String, escape_digits : String, timeout : String? = nil) get_option, get_variable(variablename : String) get_variable, gosub(context : String, extension : String, priority : String, optional_argument : String? = nil) gosub, hangup(channelname : String? = nil) hangup, noop noop, receive_char(timeout : String) receive_char, receive_text(timeout : String) receive_text, record_file(filename : String, format : String, escape_digits : String, timeout : String, offset_samples : String? = nil, beep : String? = nil) record_file, say_alpha(number : String, escape_digits : String) say_alpha, say_date(date : String, escape_digits : String) say_date, say_datetime(time : String, escape_digits : String, format : String? = nil, timezone : String? = nil) say_datetime, say_digits(number : String, escape_digits : String) say_digits, say_number(number : String, escape_digits : String, gender : String? = nil) say_number, say_phonetic(string : String, escape_digits : String) say_phonetic, say_time(time : String, escape_digits : String) say_time, send_image(image : String) send_image, send_text(text_to_send : String) send_text, set_autohangup(time : String) set_autohangup, set_callerid(number : String) set_callerid, set_context(desired_context : String) set_context, set_extension(new_extension : String) set_extension, set_music(moh_class : String) set_music, set_priority(priority : String) set_priority, set_variable(variablename : String, value : String) set_variable, speech_activate_grammar(grammar_name : String) speech_activate_grammar, speech_create(engine : String) speech_create, speech_deactivate_grammar(grammar_name : String) speech_deactivate_grammar, speech_destroy speech_destroy, speech_load_grammar(grammar_name : String, path_to_grammar : String) speech_load_grammar, speech_recognize(prompt : String, timeout : String, offset : String? = nil) speech_recognize, speech_set(name : String, value : String) speech_set, speech_unload_grammar(grammar_name : String) speech_unload_grammar, stream_file(filename : String, escape_digits : String, sample_offset : String? = nil) stream_file, tdd_mode tdd_mode, verbose(message : String, level : String) verbose, wait_for_digit(timeout : String) wait_for_digit

Constructor Detail

def, logger : Logger = Asterisk.logger) #

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Instance Method Detail

def channel : String #

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def logger : Logger #

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def read_asterisk_env(env_data) #

environment data (param_name: value); method #read_asterisk_env do read data from the input channel and store them to the @asterisk_env

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