struct Asterisk::ARI::Events::BridgeAttendedTransfer


Notification that an attended transfer has occurred.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct Asterisk::ARI::Events::Event

application : String application, application=(application : String) application=, timestamp : Time timestamp, timestamp=(timestamp : Time) timestamp=

Constructor methods inherited from struct Asterisk::ARI::Events::Event

new(pull : JSON::PullParser) new

Instance methods inherited from struct Asterisk::ARI::Events::Message

asterisk_id : String? asterisk_id, asterisk_id=(asterisk_id : String?) asterisk_id=, type : String type, type=(type : String) type=

Constructor methods inherited from struct Asterisk::ARI::Events::Message

new(pull : JSON::PullParser) new

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

Notification that an attended transfer has occurred.

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Instance Method Detail

def destination_application : String? #

Application that has been transferred into

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def destination_application=(destination_application : String?) #

Application that has been transferred into

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def destination_bridge : String? #

Bridge that survived the merge result

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def destination_bridge=(destination_bridge : String?) #

Bridge that survived the merge result

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def destination_link_first_leg : Channels::Channel? #

First leg of a link transfer result

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def destination_link_first_leg=(destination_link_first_leg : Channels::Channel?) #

First leg of a link transfer result

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def destination_link_second_leg : Channels::Channel? #

Second leg of a link transfer result

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def destination_link_second_leg=(destination_link_second_leg : Channels::Channel?) #

Second leg of a link transfer result

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def destination_threeway_bridge : Bridges::Bridge? #

Bridge that survived the threeway result

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def destination_threeway_bridge=(destination_threeway_bridge : Bridges::Bridge?) #

Bridge that survived the threeway result

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def destination_threeway_channel : Channels::Channel? #

Transferer channel that survived the threeway result

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def destination_threeway_channel=(destination_threeway_channel : Channels::Channel?) #

Transferer channel that survived the threeway result

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def destination_type : String #

How the transfer was accomplished

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def destination_type=(destination_type : String) #

How the transfer was accomplished

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def is_external : Bool #

Whether the transfer was externally initiated or not

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def is_external=(is_external : Bool) #

Whether the transfer was externally initiated or not

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def replace_channel : Channels::Channel? #

The channel that is replacing transferer_first_leg in the swap

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def replace_channel=(replace_channel : Channels::Channel?) #

The channel that is replacing transferer_first_leg in the swap

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def result : String #

The result of the transfer attempt

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def result=(result : String) #

The result of the transfer attempt

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def transfer_target : Channels::Channel? #

The channel that is being transferred to

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def transfer_target=(transfer_target : Channels::Channel?) #

The channel that is being transferred to

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def transferee : Channels::Channel? #

The channel that is being transferred

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def transferee=(transferee : Channels::Channel?) #

The channel that is being transferred

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def transferer_first_leg : Channels::Channel #

First leg of the transferer

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def transferer_first_leg=(transferer_first_leg : Channels::Channel) #

First leg of the transferer

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def transferer_first_leg_bridge : Bridges::Bridge? #

Bridge the transferer first leg is in

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def transferer_first_leg_bridge=(transferer_first_leg_bridge : Bridges::Bridge?) #

Bridge the transferer first leg is in

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def transferer_second_leg : Channels::Channel #

Second leg of the transferer

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def transferer_second_leg=(transferer_second_leg : Channels::Channel) #

Second leg of the transferer

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def transferer_second_leg_bridge : Bridges::Bridge? #

Bridge the transferer second leg is in

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def transferer_second_leg_bridge=(transferer_second_leg_bridge : Bridges::Bridge?) #

Bridge the transferer second leg is in

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