class Asterisk::ARI::Recordings

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Asterisk::ARI::Resources

ari : ARI ari

Constructor methods inherited from class Asterisk::ARI::Resources

new(ari) new

Instance Method Detail

def cancel(recording_name : String) #

Stop a live recording and discard it.


  • recording_name - the name of the recording. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Recording not found

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def copy_stored(recording_name : String, destination_recording_name : String) : HTTP::Client::Response | Recordings::StoredRecording #

Copy a stored recording.


  • recording_name - the name of the recording to copy. (required);
  • destination_recording_name - the destination name of the recording. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Recording not found
  • 409 - A recording with the same name already exists on the system

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def delete_stored(recording_name : String) #

Delete a stored recording.


  • recording_name - the name of the recording. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Recording not found

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def get_live(recording_name : String) : HTTP::Client::Response | Recordings::LiveRecording #

List live recordings.


  • recording_name - the name of the recording. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Recording not found

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def get_stored(recording_name : String) : HTTP::Client::Response | Recordings::StoredRecording #

Get a stored recording's details.


  • recording_name - the name of the recording. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Recording not found

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def get_stored_file(recording_name : String) : HTTP::Client::Response | Binary #

Get the file associated with the stored recording.


  • recording_name - the name of the recording. (required);

Error responses:

  • 403 - The recording file could not be opened
  • 404 - Recording not found

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def list_stored : HTTP::Client::Response | Array(Recordings::StoredRecording) #

List recordings that are complete.

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def mute(recording_name : String) #

Mute a live recording.


  • recording_name - the name of the recording. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Recording not found
  • 409 - Recording not in session

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def pause(recording_name : String) #

Pause a live recording.


  • recording_name - the name of the recording. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Recording not found
  • 409 - Recording not in session

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def stop(recording_name : String) #

Stop a live recording and store it.


  • recording_name - the name of the recording. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Recording not found

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def unmute(recording_name : String) #

Unmute a live recording.


  • recording_name - the name of the recording. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Recording not found
  • 409 - Recording not in session

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def unpause(recording_name : String) #

Unpause a live recording.


  • recording_name - the name of the recording. (required);

Error responses:

  • 404 - Recording not found
  • 409 - Recording not in session

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